We know what to do.

Feel like you've done all you can do?
If traditional medicine and techniques have caused you to lose hope, we can help you find relief through our practices.

Laser Therapy

We use the Neuro Solution Laser exclusively.
We’ve seen 98% of cases that didn’t use these lasers prior to our care have better results afterwards.

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Primitive Reflex Integration

When you experience a traumatic injury your brain creates roadblocks that most doctors don’t know about or treat.
We focus on them first.

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Digital Therapeutics

Through specially designed games on the Patent pending NeuroSage system we can improve overall wellness and see dramatic results.

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Chiropractic Care

We understand the simple yet complex underpinnings of chiropractic care and how this can influence our neurological health. We offer many different gentle and effective chiropractic techniques geared toward accelerating your healing experience.

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Wellness Care focuses on keeping your body functioning properly, and by allowing the innate healing properties of your body to function as they are supposed to.

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Sports Performance

With specially tailored elite sports performance training techniques, we help athletes attain their athletic best.

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